A reading from the Madison Scouts 2012 Brass Manual –
Stagger Breathing
When listening to long sustained chords from a brass ensemble, you will notice that the best ensembles sustain these chords without holes in the sound. The “wall of sound” is created by utilizing a technique called stagger breathing. Essentially the wall of sound is created by each performer in the brass ensemble following this simple process:
1. Know when you are going to breathe & commit to the breathing
- You must commit to the breath even if you are not running out of air
2. Don’t breathe at the same time as the person(s) next to you
- 2 or more people in the same proximity breathing at the same time creates holes in the sound
3. Fade out
- A rapid, one beat decrescendo
- Don’t allow the pitch to drift out of tune
- Don’t allow your tone to change
4. Breathe
- One beat to take in a full breath
- The breath should immediately follow the decrescendo; no gaps between the end of the decrescendo and the full breath in
5. Fade back in
- A rapid, one beat crescendo from a niente – no gaps between the end of the breath and the beginning of the crescendo
- Do not rearticulate the front of the note – “ah” articulation
- Be in-tune and in-tone all the way through the crescendo